Searching for Explanations

Term Link remarks
Adiabatic temperature rise X valid for all adiabatic reactors
Area Method X Get conversion from RTD and kinetics, graphical/numerical
Autocatalytic reaction X example for the necessity of reactor combinations (see first the task and then further links)
Autothermal process X see a slide for information
Axial Disper- sion
X modelling of real behavoiour in TFRs
Contacting Pattern X maybe the best english term for that what we call Macro-Mixing
Continuous flow method X application of reaction engineering knowledge to kinetic measurements
differential reactor X a reactor with very low conversion (differential)
differential loop reactor X the 'ideal' reactor for kinetic measurements
General heat balance of reactors X no 'exotic' terms as e.g. radiation !! Blackboard sketch of several possibilities for the thermal conducting of the process in the 3 basic reactor types
General material balance of reactors X no 'exotic' terms as e.g. phase-transfer !!
integral reactor X the 'ideal production reactor'
Logistic equation X no reaction engineering term, - concerns with real-time simulations, as used in this course: difference quotient form of differential equations
Loop reactors X 3 slides, sketches and material balance, see also 'optimal recirculation factor' (scroll down)
Macro-Mixing X quality and characteristics of the contacting pattern
Macrofluid X English for: segregated fluid
Micro-Mixing X quality of the fluid
Microfluid X English for: molecular dispersed state
Mixing terminology X overview
Optimization of space time X conversion orientated optimization, optimization by controlling concentration levels
Optimization of space time at a glance X when you are well instructed on the matter
Optimal recirculation factor in a loop reactor X example: autocatalytic reaction, but general procedure
Peclet number X the 'Bo-number' for packed tubes
Reactor Characteristics X 'totally' and 'totally not' back-mixed
Reactor combinations X examples
Reactor combinations X usefulness
RTD-spectrum /accumulative
X Dirac pulse, step function
RTD, Sketch of: CSTR, TFR, CASCADE X see snapshots of simulations
RTD: which information supplies the RTD ? X Characteristics and quality of macro-mixing (contacting pattern)
Segregation X in the author's opinion a 'subdivision' of micro-mixing
Simultaneous solution of heat and material balances X graphical example, don't forget the numerical possibilities (cf. also simulations: logistic equations, try to understand the formulas in the formula window)
Stability, thermal X Stability diagram for adiabatic and polytropic CSTRs
Stationary State, stationary
X 'versatile' expression, e.g. for operating mode or mixing status
Thermal operation modes of reactors X isothermal, adiabatic, polytropic

see a blackboard sketch of the various possibilities for the 3 basic reactor types

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