The basic ideal reactor types



The basic types are ? you know them, or ?... more?


The characterization of the 3 basic (ideal) reactor types

There are two points of view for the characterization of the basic reactor types:

Therefore: 'More' information on the behaviour under reaction conditions can be received by regarding the concentration curves vs. time and space (length, volume) in the 3 basic types when carrying out a simple reaction in the reactors:*

reactor types


*And once again:
the statements above are made for the reactors with a 'running' reaction inside, do not change that with the properties of macro-mixing alone, as characterized by the RTD from an inert tracer signal. But - as already mentioned - the macro-mixing properties are the cause for the whole behaviour. What is the difference ? Take a very simple statement: With a RTD experiment the inert tracer is diluted by the convective flow and disappears on account of that dilution. The 'running' chemical reaction makes together with the convective flow the educts disappear, products appear and disappear, concentrations change, kinetics get influenced. You see the difference between 'only' RTD and 'reaction running' very comprehensive, when you regard a serial combination of an ideal CSTR and an ideal TFR: for the RTD it is not important, which reactor type is the first of the series, - wheres for a running reaction this topic becomes 'decisive' (see general remarks on reactor combinations and especially two graphs showing the two alternatives of a series combination TFR/CSTR for a simple 1st order reaction). By the way: think about the question whether a RTD for a STR makes any sense in practice. First of all: you can not add a step function to a 'batch' (true or not?). But you could perhaps add a Dirac pulse to a STR. What would you see: you could see the mixing quality of the tank, isn't it? In spite of being interesting, this information is not a RTD in the usual sense.

never take the word 'reaction' into your mouth, when talking about RTD, - unless you are a specialist and talking about 'reactive marking in RTD' ! The 'normal' RTD doesn't characterize reactive behaviour !

But: both aspects (RTD and reactive system) are entirely represented by the material balance of the reactor. Only in the case of the RTD the term of the chemical reaction is omitted in the material balance, - and when you solve the material balance equation for this case, you get the observable function of the RTD.

For a visualized example I want to show you a 'virtual snapshot' of an 'open' parallel combination of an ideal CSTR and a TFR. The continuous reactor system is running stationary and a reaction is carried out in it where a red dye is decomposing to a colorless product in a 'definite reaction' started at the reactor inlets ( thermal or light induction or something like that). In the CSTR you get some rest colour corresponding to the reached conversion, whereas in the TFR you see a gradient of the colour along the tube, ending at the white colour of the solvent. I tried to put a black line to the place where the colour is the same as in the CSTR. With this line I wanted to demonstrate that the same conversion can be reached in the TFR within a clearly smaller reactor volume.

Realize: reaction takes place !!!
The colour gradient along the tube is a bit dense, but I think you realize the intention. Did you realize that we need no animation here, because in the stationary state we would have always the same image (repeatedly) ? !

In a further animation you see (repeatedly) the colour decay in a batch STR, where the 'x-coordinate' for the concentration gradient is the time axis (compare to the graph on top ):

Realize: reaction takes place !!!
here you need an animation for a good visualization!!

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Immediate test of your knowledge:
Do you now understand the following statements?

A CSTR is working stationary in space and time, it is 'totally' back-mixed

A Batch STR is working stationary only in space, but not in time, it is only back-mixed in space, but not in time

A TFR is working stationary in time, but not in space (there is a gradient along the length-axis), it is not-back-mixed in space

No ? Then you should go to the - what we say in German - 'rural guard force academy' (Redewendung: 'zum Feldschütz in die Schule gehen'). I can not help you more, try to regard the graph again! Or: my last help, but that is only a repetition !

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Important 'Add-on' to the classification of basic reactor types

Mainly in context with reactors for heterogeneous systems - but also as a general mode of reactor classification - we can define:

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And last not least a more complicated question: what makes the relationship between batch STR and continuous TFR, what is their difference to the CSTR, - and what is the difference between them among themselves ? help?


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